How my “Inner Nerd” helps my Mental Health:

Some of my favorite memories as a child involve saving my allowance and paper route money to buy the newest comic books: X-Men, GI Joe, Spider-Man, X-Factor, and many more, including my favorite DareDevil. My love of nerd culture continued to grow as I grew, from reading my favorite fantasy and sci-fi authors (Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, etc), to developing an intense love of board games (Settlers of Catan:Cities & Knights may be the greatest board game ever invented), to just recently wrapping up 125 sessions of a homebrew Dungeons & Dragons campaign. But it’s not just classic nerd culture that brings me joy – I’m also a huge nerd when it comes to sports, traveling, and cuisine – because being a nerd simply means you’re passionate about something!

Today however, if you ask me what I ‘nerd out’ most about, I’d have to say it’s whatever my children are doing…