How my “Inner Nerd” helps my Mental Health:
My journey into being a Nerd began in middle school in the library. I fell in love with books like The Chronicles of Narnia and A Wrinkle In Time. Today, I count The Wheel Of Time, The Sword Of Truth, and The Dresden Files among my favorite series. In addition to reading, I fell in love with gaming back in the Atari 2600 days and still game almost daily, whether it’s solo or with my wife. The Final Fantasy and Zelda series are my go to, but also I’ve fallen hard into The Last of Us and Destiny series. Today, our recipe for Nerdiness includes a love for travel, especially cruising, as well as attending pop culture conventions and events around the country. Add a dash of college football, great television and movies, and NerdHQ of course to get a taste of what Nerdiness means to us!