Our get help form is currently under maintenance and will be back online asap.

Access Free Therapy and Mental Health Support!

Nerd HQ is here to help your with your mental health journey


Where did you first hear about Nerd HQ's partnership with TimelyCare to provide services?

Thank you for completing this brief questionnaire. Nerd HQ is honored to have the opportunity to help you, thanks to their partnership with TimelyCare.

Once you select “I’m ready to begin” below, you will be taken to our mental health services partner TimelyCare where you will register for their services for free for a year.

After you register with TimelyCare, you will have access to scheduling a session with a licensed therapist, a 24-hour help line, an anonymous community board, and numerous self-help resources.

Nerd HQ is here to help. Please know you are not alone, and we commend you on taking these steps to better your mental health.

NerdHQ is a public benefit corporation, the charitable mission of which includes assisting individuals with accessing needed mental health resources. NerdHQ does not provide mental health services or counseling and assumes no liability for the mental health services provided by any third party organization. Due to the personal nature of mental health care, individuals connected to mental health resources through this platform should independently vet all service providers to ensure their individual mental health needs can be met.NerdHQ cannot guarantee accessibility to any particular organization or service.


NerdHQ does not collect or maintain any information regarding your request to receive the mental health services accessed through NerdHQ and NerdHQ does not collect or maintain any information about your mental health condition or the treatment you have received for your mental health condition.
Disclaimer: This service is available only to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. By registering, you confirm that you meet this age requirement. Please review the TimelyCare Terms and Conditions at https://timelycare.com/terms-conditions/ for additional information.